C programming Question's list for examination-1st semester

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Question list Or Program in 1st semester Suggestion

1.      What is variable? Variables rules?
2.      What is Switch case statement? Write a code of finding GPA congratulation using switch-case statement. Like: If score is 80 or higher then give A, 70 to 79 give B …..etc.
3.      If-else statement. Give an example of if-else statement.

4.      Detail about some loops:
a.       Detail for loop with a summation program or adding the numbers upto nth position.
                                                  i.      Nested for loop. Give example of nested for loop.
b.      Describe or Write a pseudo-code of While loop? When we need to use while loop in program?
c.       Describe or Write a pseudo-code of  Do-while loop? When we need to use do-while loop in program?
d.      Make the pyramid using for loop. Following example or following type pyramid.
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1 2
1 2 3
1 2 3 4

5.      ***What is function? Function calling….[most important]Write down the code using function…… Like :
a.       Get the two numbers summation, subtraction, multiplication, division using function.
6.      One dimensional array?     How to use one dimensional array in program?
a.       Write a simple code which will sum given numbers and get or find average upto that numbers.
7.      Two dimensional array demonstrate? Apply this for matrix program.. Or
a.       Find the multiplication program until 10.
8.      What is pointer?
9.      What is structure? Where we use it?
10.  Checking type:
a.       Check the program is correct or not..
b.      Find the output of the program
c.       Incremental operator using write the anwer..
11.  File related:
a.       fopen()
b.      fwrite()
c.       fread()

C programming Question's list for examination-1st semester

*******Some most important program******

1.      Even odd checking***
2.      Prime number coding *** Ex:
a.       Give a number and check if the number is prime or not
b.      Give two numbers. Find the prime number from one number to another number.
3.      Fibonacci number finding code**? Or
a.      Give a number print the Fibonacci number upto the number. **
4.      Factorial Program**
a.       Give a number find it’s factorial
b.      Give two number find one number to last number prime numbers
5.      Check if the number is Palindrome Number or not? **// Reverse number program.
6.      Program using function..
7.      Swap two numbers without using third variable.
8.      Bubble Sort program.

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C programming Question's list for examination, C programming program's,  C programs for examination, examination's code for C program, C programming question

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